Nearly a million healthy animals in the United States are euthanized each year because of overpopulation, and spaying and neutering is the only real long-term solution to the problem.
As a foster-based rescue, we can only take in a limited amount of dogs at one time.
Our spay and neuter program is an essential step toward our ultimate goal: a world that's free of homeless, neglected, abused, and abandoned animals.
We currently have no 2022 dates for a Yakima clinic. In the meantime, click here to submit a voucher request form at Yakima Humane Society.
Sign up to be notified via email when appointment request forms are available for our next clinic:
Misunderstood Mutts Rescue is offering low-cost veterinary procedures as a volunteer community service, and requesting an appointment does not guarantee you an appointment. If your pet has certain medical issues MMR may not be able to perform a spay/neuter, and you will need to visit another vet office.
These low-cost veterinary services are provided by Rescue Pet Vet and sponsored by Misunderstood Mutts Rescue:
Dog Spay/Neuter...........................................................................................$60
Cat Spay...........................................................................................................$50
Cat Neuter.......................................................................................................$50
Rabies & DLPP/FVRCP Vaccines..................$20 for one or $30 for both
*Payment is due at time of service. We accept cash or credit card.